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Switching Business Energy Suppliers Guide

Switching to a new business energy supplier can save you money. Here’s all you need to know about how to switch business energy suppliers.

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Switch To These Trusted Business Energy Suppliers

British gas logo.
Scottishpower logo.
EDF logo.
valda logo.
smartest energy logo.
eon logo.

About Switching Business Energy Suppliers

In the UK, business electricity and business gas must be billed separately - although these energies can be supplied by the same provider, and dual energy contracts will simplify this. However the process of switching business electricity and the process of switching business gas is the same, so we will use the term ‘business energy’ here.

How Business Energy Contracts Work

Business energy contracts often have confusing terminology that may prevent business owners from switching to a new business electricity or business gas supplier. We'll go over the common terms below to clarify what these mean.

Contract length

Your business energy contract is set for a specific length of time. Typically between 1- and 3-years, although 4- and 5- year contracts are sometimes available too. This is the length of time that your business energy prices will be fixed for. During this time, you won’t be worrying about fluctuations in wholesale energy prices as your fixed energy contract will protect you.

Contract Renewal Window

You can’t compare new energy prices during your contract period, until your renewal window opens. This is usually the last 12-months or last 6-months of your contract. Before your renewal window opens, you can run a comparison, but you cannot agree to a new deal. Once your renewal window opens, you can agree a new deal with a new business energy supplier, and the new deal will start on your contract end date.

Contract End Date

The Contract End Date is the date your current business energy contract ends. After this, if you have not agreed a new contract, either by renewing with your existing supplier, or by agreeing to switch to a new provider, then you will find yourself with your energy supplier’s rollover tariff, which is usually a more expensive rate.

Letter of Authority

A Letter of Authority, or LOA, is a document that allows a business or person (that is not you) to contact both your existing business energy supplier and your new business energy supplier on your behalf to switch your business energy. You’ll need to sign this document - something that can be done electronically - before your business energy broker can switch you to a new business energy supplier.

Who Can Switch My Business’ Energy Supplier?

Only someone with authority can compare prices and authorise a switch to a new deal. Business owner, employee authorised for this, or a TPI or broker.

How To Switch Business Energy Suppliers

Direct Switching

Going directly to business energy suppliers can save you some money on your new tariff, as you will be paying your supplier directly, and there will be no commission added to the cost of your business electricity or business gas. It can be a time consuming process with each supplier you contact chasing you for a sale.

Direct switching is requires customers to request an individual quote from a variety of business energy suppliers. Compare these against your renewal quote from your existing energy supplier, and if there’s a tariff you like, sign the relevant contract.

TPI Switching

Switching to a new business energy supplier with a third-party or broker aims to take the hassle out of finding the best deal for your business. Some brokers compare the full market, but most compare against a panel of trusted specialists. Going down this route allows suppliers to offer exclusive rates that going direct does not offer, and being able to compare prices against a panel means just the one comparison should be all you need for a competitive business energy deal.

Switching business energy suppliers is simple: run a comparison of different quotes. With Business Electricity Prices, this is a simple process of inputting some basic business details: your postcode, business name, contact name, phone number and email address.

When you find a suitable tariff from a business energy supplier, choose that deal, and our team of experts will be in touch. You’ll need to sign a letter of authority allowing us to act on your behalf for your business energy supplier switch, and our experts will handle it from there.

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Why Can’t I Switch Business Energy Suppliers?

You can’t switch until you have paid off existing debts to your energy provider. Your current business energy supplier can block your switch to a new business energy provider if your account is more than £500 in debt, and you have been in debt for more than 28-days.

If your renewal window hasn’t opened, then you cannot agree to a new contract until it opens.

If you don’t pass a credit check, then your chosen energy supplier may stop the switch. Business energy suppliers all run credit checks on new customers to assess the level of risk. If your credit rating is too low, they may choose not to take you on, and you will need to find a supplier willing to let you switch to them.

One benefit of using business energy brokers is that having access to a panel of suppliers means there will be a supplier that can take you on.

How Long Does Switching Business Energy Suppliers Take?

You won’t switch to your new business energy supplier until your contract ends. Once your existing contract ends, then your suppliers will switch immediately.

If you’re out of contract, then we will aim to get you switched in no more than five business days.

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What Business Energy Suppliers Can I Switch To?

Our panel is made up of 17 energy suppliers. 14 of these specialise in commercial energy; some for larger businesses and some for SMEs. These are the commercial energy suppliers that are on our panel of suppliers:

Switch to These SME Business Energy Suppliers

  1. British Gas
  2. British Gas Lite
  3. E.On Next
  4. EDF
  5. ScottishPower
  6. SmartestEnergy Business
  7. Valda Energy

Switch to These Mid-Market Business Energy Suppliers

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