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Compare Business Gas Prices

Compare business gas prices today and get the latest business gas quotes in less than 30 seconds.

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Compare Business Gas Prices With These Providers

British gas logo.
Scottishpower logo.
EDF logo.
valda logo.
smartest energy logo.
eon logo.

Why Compare Business Gas Prices? 

Comparing business gas prices is a great way to start saving money. You will see live business gas rates in 30 seconds and a few clicks. On average our customers save around £1,067 annually.

Over the last year, business gas prices has trended down and stabilised. These lower commercial gas prices offer an opportunity to compare and switch to a better business gas deal, and ultimately saving money in the long run. 

Fast-paced modern businesses have little time for switching suppliers and admin work. That's why you will be able to switch business gas completely online. It just takes a few minutes from start to finish and we will have you switched to your new provider in just 5 working days. 

Click on the button below and enter your postcode and address to view live business gas prices. 

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Compare Business Gas in 3 Simple Steps

  • 1

    Provide us with your details so our business gas comparison engine can identify your current supplier and spend

  • 2

    Browse the online business gas quotes that our panel of business gas suppliers can offer you, based on your existing usage.

  • 3

    Choose your new business gas tariff and start saving.

Business Gas Prices Per kWh in March 2025

Business gas prices for businesses of various sizes are shown in the table below. These commercial gas prices are a UK-wide average of our panel on one day, so for accurate and current business gas prices per kWh, obtain a business gas quote through our comparison engine.

Business Size Annual Usage Unit Price per kWh Daily Standing Charge Estimated Annual Cost
Micro Business Up to 5,000 kWh 9p 37.1p £359.29
Small Business 5,000 to 15,000 kWh 7.8p 46.5p £948.21
Medium Business 15,000 to 25,000 kWh 7.7p 46.7p £1,706.81
Large Business 25,000 to 50,000 kWh 7.7p 56.5p £3,103.26
Very Large Business 50,000 to 100,000 kWh 6.8p 163.9p £5,702.43

Data correct as of March 2025. Annual business gas price is based on a 2-year contract for the median kWh usage within each business size banding and excludes VAT. These prices reflect a live market and are subject to fluctuation. Obtain a business gas quote for accurate and current pricing.


Finding Cheap Business Gas Prices

Business gas prices depend on multiple factors, including your business location and consumption. This means the business gas price per kWh available to you changes from day to day. Our comparison engine is a great way to find the best business gas rates.

It’s important to remember that the average prices are not the cheapest tariff prices available. If you’re currently paying more than the average prices, you could likely make real savings by comparing business gas prices.

Compare Business Gas Prices in 30 Seconds

In 30 seconds, you can compare business gas prices and select the tariff that’s right for your company.

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Comparing Business Gas Prices Is Easy

Business gas comparison takes just 30 seconds.

To get started, we need the name and address of your business. We will then search our trusted panel of UK business gas suppliers for the best deals.

Once you have compared the business gas deals available and selected a deal that suits you, your dedicated account manager will start the process to switch business gas. We'll aim to have you switched to your new business gas tariff in just 5 working days. We’ll keep you updated throughout your switch using our online Track My Switch.

Small Business Gas Prices

Small business owners are negatively impacted by business gas bills being higher than they need to be. One solution is to sign up for a fixed business gas contract for two or three years, for predictable billing. A fixed business gas price also makes budgeting easier.

The average price per kWh for a small business using about 10,000kWh of business gas, based on a 2-year contract in March 2025 is 7.8p per kWh. With a daily standing charge of 46.5p per day this works out to an annual business gas bill of £948.21.

Business Gas Prices For Large Consumption 

Large businesses - those that use between 50,000 kWh to 100,000 kWh of gas per year - can expect to be charged a unit rate of 6.8p per kWh, and for a business using the median figure of 75,000 kWh, they can expect to pay around £5,702.43 per year for their business gas bill, for a 2-year contract commencing in March 2025.

In 30 seconds, you can compare business gas prices and select the tariff that’s right for your company.

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Who is the Cheapest Business Gas Supplier?

Business gas rates vary. There are some regional variances in gas prices depending on where in the UK your business premises are located. With Business Electricity Prices, you can quickly compare a wide range of gas providers to find a great deal and switch to a more competitive business gas tariff.

Here, we’ve provided the latest average business gas from a selection of the UK’s leading business gas suppliers.

Business Gas Prices by Supplier

Business Gas Supplier Business Gas Price per kWh Daily Standing Charge Annual Cost
SmartestEnergy Business 6.7p 144.3p £2,213.24
British Gas Lite 7.4p 45.9p £2,007.03
ScottishPower 7.6p 35.1p £2,037.65
Valda Energy 7.7p 41.1p £2,079.74
British Gas 8p 47.9p £2,179.89
EDF 7.6p 45p £2,064.25

Rates are correct as of March 2025.Tariffs vary by region and business gas supplier, they could change at any time. Figures are rounded to two decimal places. The example prices are shown for a business using 25,000 kWh of gas per year on a 2-year contract and exclude VAT. Cheapest rate per kWh is not necessarily the cheapest monthly bill, so always compare business gas prices and obtain a business gas quote for accurate pricing.


In 30 seconds, you can compare business gas prices and select the tariff that’s right for your company.

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Choosing a Business Gas Tariffs Type

Finding the cheapest business gas prices - and saving money on your gas usage - begins with selecting the right tariff type for your business. Don't get caught out by signing up to the wrong tariff.

When it comes to commercial gas usage, there are four tariff types you can choose, and each caters to a set of needs.

These tariff types are: fixed -rate tariffs, variable-rate tariffs, rollover tariffs and deemed rate tariffs 

Each tariff has benefits, including secure prices and flexibility. 

We'll discuss these tariff types in some more depth below:


  • Fixed-Rate Tariffs

    The unit price you pay for business gas will be fixed for the agreed contract length. 

    This is great for budgeting and being able to secure an affordable unit price without any surprises. 

  • Variable-Rate Tariffs

    Variable-rate gas tariffs offer great flexibility.

    The unit price you pay for business gas will go up or down each month. A great option for businesses that value flexibility and are willing to take more risks. 

  • Rollover Tariff

    Businesses will be placed on a rollover gas tariff if a new deal has not been agreed.

    This is a legal contract for one year and the unit rate can be more expensive than previously paid. 

  • Deemed Rate Tariffs

    Deemed rate tariffs are for businesses moving into new premises and have not agreed to a deal.

    This only happens when a business gas contract has never been in place at the property. 

Switch Business Gas 

In just a few steps and 30 seconds to spare, you can view business gas prices online and start saving money on your bills. 

Enter a few details online

We just need some basic information like your postcode and contact details. It takes just 30 seconds to see live gas prices.

View live business gas rates online

See live business gas rates online from a trusted panel of UK suppliers.

Switch to your new supplier

We will handle the switching process once you have chosen your tariff and supplier. We will have you switched over within 5 working days.

Cheapest Fixed Tariffs for Business Gas

Different factors make suppliers the best value for your money, but in terms of overall annual cost, we have put together the cheapest fixed-price unit rates for you, to give you an idea of what the cheapest business gas deal is.

  Supplier Tariff Name Annual Cost Compare Prices 
Cheapest 1-Year Fixed Scottish Power For Business vY4  ADV AF_D26G CED-30/04/2026 £2,123.15

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Cheapest 2-Year Fixed British Gas Lite BGLite V128Love London  | G3 SC DD Acquisition £2,008.30

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Cheapest 3-Year Fixed British Gas Lite BGLite V128Love London  | G3 SC DD Acquisition £1,944.71

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Business gas tariff prices are an pulled from 1-, 2- and 3-year fixed-rate tariffs for the London region (region 12) and are for contracts beginning March 1, 2024. Prices are accurate based on 25,000 kWh annual usage and exclude VAT. Prices reflect a live market and are subject to fluctuation.

Commercial Gas Meter Installation

Simply having the right gas meter installed can help you unlock more savings and avoid inaccurate billing. 

We offer our customers free gas meter installation when you switch suppliers with us. We’ll aim to have your new meter installed within 2 weeks.

Here are some of the business gas meters you may consider: 

  • Standard - this business gas meter only charges one unit rate and you have to submit regular manual meter readings. 
  • Smart gas meter - this automatically submits meter readings to your supplier each billing period to avoid estimated billing. You will still only be charged one unit rate. 
  • Multi-rate gas meter - if you're a business operating in the evening or night time, you may benefit from a two or three-rate meter charging you cheaper business gas rates outside peak hours. 

Requesting A New Business Gas Meter

Before requesting a new commercial gas meter you need to know your MPRN status. If you’re unsure what your MPRN is, you will need to contact the National Grid

Before requesting a new gas meter, you need to know that it can be replaced. Here are the different states your meter can be in and your next steps before requesting a new meter. 

  • Live - you can request a new commercial gas meter from us or switch suppliers. Everything is ready to go. 
  • Disconnected - the connection cables have been removed and you will need to request a new connection from your Distribution Network Operator (DNO). Find your DNO here.
  • Removed - the business gas meter has been removed. You need to request a Live/Dead check and then a GT1 Survey. This is an essential test when moving into a new business premises that doesn’t have a gas meter in place and tells you if the infrastructure is there to install a new connection.

Request a free gas meter

Breaking Down Your Business Gas Bill

Once the factors above have been taken into account, your business gas rates will be broken down into two main charges. These are your unit rate (or price per kWh) and standing charges.

Your unit rate is how much you are charged for each unit of gas you use. This is charged in pence per kWh.

Your standing charge is a set daily fee. This is paid regardless of how much gas you have used that day. A standing charge covers the cost of your gas supply.

You should also take into account the effect of taxes on your business gas bill. Businesses are required to pay VAT at a higher rate of 20%. On top of this, businesses must pay the Climate Change Levy (CCL). This is an environmental tax which is added to your bill.

It’s important to consider all costs before switching business gas. A tariff with a lower unit rate and a high-standing charge could cost you more in the long term.

Our team will work with you to consider all this when finding the best business gas deal for you.

What To Consider Before Getting A Business Gas Quote

Business gas quotes are impacted by the way your business consumes gas. This could be how much gas you use, the type of gas you use, or when your business consumes gas. Business gas suppliers will take these thing into account when creating the business gas prices they quote you.

If your business operates seasonally, a no-standing charge tariff could offer the best savings, if available. With a no-standing charge tariff, you won’t be charged any fees when you are not using your business gas.

It’s important to consider your business needs before signing any business gas contracts. Businesses are not able to secure a dual fuel tariff. This means that companies must switch gas and electricity contracts separately.

You may get a better business gas deal by looking more closely at your unit rates. For example, a higher standing charge may offset any savings you make with cheaper unit rates.

Large businesses that consume more than 200,000 kWh of gas a year can often access exclusive deals. Due to the amount of gas used, large businesses need to access tariffs tailored to their needs.

For small and micro businesses, finding business gas rates cheaper is the main goal. Several business gas suppliers offer deals specifically targeted to small businesses. These can include tariffs with a fully online service to reduce overheads and costs.

What Details Do I Need To Get A Business Gas Quote?

The only details you need for a business gas price quote with Business Electricity Prices are as follows:

  • Your business name
  • Address, phone number and email

From there, our tech-driven price comparison engine will look up the important information that’s needed to generate cheap business gas quotes in just 30 seconds. What we’ll look up, with your permission:

  • Gas meter number (MPRN) - we’ll use this to identify the meter associated with your business premises.
  • Previous gas usage - we’ll use this to identify the correct tariff for your business’ gas consumption.
  • Contract end date - we’ll use this to identify if you are within your switching window.

10 Reasons To Compare Business Gas Prices

  • Business Gas Contract End Date (CED) Is Approaching/Has Passed

    Business gas contracts end on a pre-agreed date, the contract end date, or CED. If you've not agreed a new deal with your business gas supplier, you will be placed on a rollover tariff which is likely to be more expensive.

    Businesses are allowed to agree a new business gas deal from 12-months before the contract end date. You can agree a deal with your existing supplier, or with a new one. The period of time that begins 12-months before the day your business gas contract ends - your Contract End Date (CED) - is known as your renewal window.

    Businesses in their renewal window should compare business gas prices to avoid rollover tariffs, and those whose contract end date has passed and find themselves on a rollover tariff should compare to switch to a better business gas tariff immediately. The benefit of rollover tariffs is you are no longer locked in to your commercial gas supplier and you can switch at any time.

  • Your Current Business Gas Prices Are Too High

    If you think you’re paying too much for your business gas, you might well be! Compare deals from multiple business gas suppliers in seconds and switch to a cheaper tariff.

  • Dissatisfied With Current Supplier Customer Services

    Switching business gas providers is not always about cost. If you feel like the customer service is not good enough, that’s another good reason to compare prices and switch. Some supplier offer additional benefits and conveniences that are worth paying a little extra for. Whereas sometimes a less-frills-is-more approach suits you.

  • Need For Sustainable Energy

    Businesses that need sustainable, renewable or green tariffs are best off comparing tariffs from various suppliers to see which meets their needs best. While sustainable tariffs typically have a small premium over their brown energy equivalents, not all sustainable tariffs are equal, making comparison essential.

  • A Long Time Has Passed Since You Changed Business Gas Suppliers

    Businesses that haven’t changed business gas suppliers in several years may find they are overpaying on a rollover contract. With wholesale gas prices constantly changing, securing a fixed business gas contract may reduce your monthly costs quite significantly.

  • You’ve Always Been With Your Default Business Gas Supplier

    Businesses that have been with the same supplier since they moved into their current premises may also find they are better off comparing business gas prices to secure a cheaper deal. If you are the first tenant in your premises, you will be on a deemed tariff, and find yourself overpaying.

  • Taking Over A New Premises/Moving In To A New Premises

    Moving into a new business premises means taking over the old tenants business gas tariff. It’s in your best interest to compare prices and ensure your business has the best deal in its new home. Our Change of Tenancy guide has more information.

  • First Tenant At A Premises

    Being the first tenant in a business location will mean taking on a deemed tariff from your default business gas supplier. It’s well worth comparing and switching to a business gas tariff that is best-suited to your business’ needs as soon as possible. Our Change of Tenancy guide has more information.

  • Adding A New Business Location

    Business is booming, and you’ve decided to open an additional location. Why not compare and see if your new location needs a separate gas supplier, or maybe a multi-meter tariff is more suitable.

  • Wholesale Prices Are Falling

    Business gas prices are  decided by the wholesale price of gas, and the wholesale price of gas changes every day, and is affected by local and external factors. If wholesale prices have dropped, then the price of business gas you’ll be quoted will have also dropped, meaning you save money on your business gas costs. So keep an eye out on the trends on wholesale prices, and switch to a better deal when they are lower than your existing rates. Conversely, if wholesale prices begin to rise, you can protect yourself by securing a fixed price and seeing out the high wholesale prices.

In 30 seconds, you can compare business gas prices and select the tariff that’s right for your company.

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How Have Business Gas Prices Changed in 2025?

Business gas prices have started increasing since their low-point in October 2024. Since then, over the last six months, the average UK-wide annual cost for a business using 25,000-kWh of commercial gas a year has increased every month, with March 2205 representing a six-month high.

Reasons for this are due to seasonality, but also due to external factors, such as geopolitical events out of gas suppliers' control that increase wholesale gas prices. We can't predict whether business gas prices will continue to increase over the course of 2025, but we can advise businesses looking for stability in their energy expenses to compare business gas prices, and switch to a fixed deal and protect themselves from volatility in the market.

Business Gas Annual Cost 2025 (Last 6 Months)

In 30 seconds, you can compare business gas prices and select the tariff that’s right for your company.

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Business Gas Prices FAQs

  • When Is The Best Time To Switch Business Gas Suppliers?

    You must be aware of your contract end date to avoid large commercial gas penalties. However, you can lock in prices during your renewal window. This window often opens 12 months before the end of your business gas contracts. 

  • What If My Business Has More Than One Building?

    If your business operates across multiple locations, some suppliers may offer you a discount on your commercial gas.

    Our expert team can help you consolidate your billing and reduce your business gas costs if you have a multi-site business.

  • What Impacts Business Gas Prices?

    Simply comparing business gas prices can help you understand how much you should be paying in comparison to other businesses of your size. Many businesses have not switched gas in many years and have now rolled over onto expensive out-of-contract gas tariffs.

    The main contributing factors you will be aware of are events happening around the world. As a lot of gas is imported from other countries, any disruption in supply can cause gas rates to change. 

    The exact cost of your business gas tariff will vary depending on several factors including:

    • Your business location
    • The size of your premises
    • Your current gas supplier
    • Your current business gas spend
    • Your current business gas consumption
    • Your gas meter type
    • Current gas market prices

    The prices available will vary by region, and these are a national average. For the most accurate prices, you can compare business gas prices today.

  • Do I Have To Pay A Standing Charge On My Business Gas?

    It may be possible to get a contract for your business with no standing charge. This is not always the cheapest option due to higher unit prices on commercial gas, but it could be beneficial if your usage is low. For example, this could be a suitable choice for a business that closes during weekends or only runs seasonally.

  • Can I Cancel My Business Gas Contract Early?

    Most suppliers will allow you to cancel your contract early, however, that will come with a cancellation fee, which, depending on your usage, may cost you more in the long run. 

    If you find a great deal that you can’t pass on but still have up to 12 months before your contract ends you can always secure those rates by entering the date you want your next one to start. Your renewal window is usually 12 months before your contract ends, and it is a good time to lock in prices instead of cancelling your current contract and avoiding paying any early exit fees.

    It’s always a good idea to check your suppliers’ cancellation policy for the finer details. If you are a Business Electricity Prices customer, get in touch with your account manager and we will handle the whole process for you.

  • Should I Switch To A Business Renewable Gas Tariff?

    If you want your business to be more eco-friendly and sustainable, particularly in line with the recent ESG updates, it is always a great idea to switch to a renewable business gas tariff or move to an energy supplier that can offer this service. 

    Over the recent years, we have seen a dramatic decrease in the costs of having renewable energy, and it has become more widely available for both business and domestic.

    Green business gas is usually made from plants or animals, anything that can be produced sustainably.

  • How Much is VAT On My Business Gas?

    20% is usually the VAT rate for business gas, but depending on your company, you may be eligible for some VAT discounts. 

    The VAT is automatically added to your bill and will be shown in the total amount. If you do apply for any VAT discount, you will need to apply for this separately.

    Read more about VAT on energy bills.

  • Are Business Gas Prices Going Down?

    Business gas prices are currently the lowest they have been in years. We have recently noticed a lot of businesses locking in prices whilst they are cheap, as the future of the gas industry remains uncertain.

  • How Do I Cancel My Business Gas Contract?

    To cancel your business gas contract, contact your gas supplier directly. Provide them with relevant account details and discuss the cancellation process. Be aware of any potential cancellation fees or notice periods outlined in your contract.

    If you are a Business Electricity Prices customer, please contact us when you want to cancel your account and we can arrange the whole thing for you.

  • Can I Get A Business Gas Contract If I Work From Home?

    Yes, you can still get a business gas contract if you work from home. Many energy providers offer business energy plans for individuals operating from home offices.

    Contact your preferred supplier, provide information about your business activities, and discuss the appropriate business gas contract options for your situation.

  • How Do I Read A Business Gas Meter?

    To read a business gas meter, locate the meter and record the numbers displayed from left to right. Include all digits excluding any numbers in red.

    Keep track of both the current reading and the previous one to calculate your gas usage. This information is essential for accurate billing and monitoring of consumption.

  • Can I Get A Business Gas Smart Meter?

    Not everyone is eligible for a business gas smart meter installation, due to poor data connectivity in some locations, and some energy suppliers only provide smart meters for business electricity customers. If you rent your property, you need to check with your landlord if there’s anything in your tenancy agreement that may inhibit the installation of a business gas smart meter.

    That being said, all you need to do to find out if you’re eligible, is:

    • Request a smart meter from your supplier. If you work with a TPI or energy broker, request a smart meter from the TPI, who will contact the supplier on your behalf.
    • Book a slot. If you’re eligible, then book a time and date for the installation of your smart meter.
    • Get the meter installed on the time and day you've booked the engineer to come.

    After that, enjoy the benefits of automated half hourly readings being sent to your business gas supplier.

  • Can I Switch Suppliers If My Business Gas Is Supplied By An Independent Gas Transporter (IGT)?

    If your MPRN number begins with 74, 75, 76 or 77, then your gas comes from an Independent Gas Transporter (IGT) instead of the National Grid.

    An IGT is a company responsible for handling gas supply for the gas pipes between a property and the end of the National Grid’s pipeline.

    That being said, your business gas rates will be the same as a business that is connected to the National Grid, and the process of switching gas suppliers is the same.

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